Located just north of Malibu, Ventura 对于一些旅行者来说,这是不应该的,根据琳恩·安杜哈尔的说法. “我想说,文图拉真的是加州的精髓,”《bbin游戏官网》主编安杜哈尔说 805 Living. “Ventura has a great laid-back vibe. 这里有很棒的冲浪文化,就在海边,是个热情好客的地方. And there's a lot to do and see.”
In the latest episode of the California Now Podcast, Andujar和另外两位业内人士详细介绍了一些最好的用餐地点, play, and soak up that Golden State essence in Ventura County-南加州和中央海岸富饶的交汇处.
Extreme Fun at the X Games
第一个客人给了bbin游戏官网一些鼓励,让bbin游戏官网尽快参观:瓦莱丽·瑞安是粉丝体验的副总裁 X Games, which will be held in Ventura July 21–23. (Ed. 注:在接受采访时,极限运动会还没有举行.“这是世界上最好的滑板运动员的巅峰之作, BMX riders, and motocross athletes,” Ryan tells host Soterios Johnson. “It’s the pinnacle event of their season.”
极限运动会自1995年首次亮相以来已经发生了很大的变化, she says, 主要是因为他们“更广为人知,更被认可”. 当bbin游戏官网在1995年开始的时候,这是‘极限’,而现在它们是奥运会项目.她补充说,比赛的环境也令人惊叹. “We're at the Ventura County Fairgrounds, a stone's throw from the ocean. 所以bbin游戏官网有垂直坡道和Moto X比赛跑道,背景是水——非常漂亮.”
Ryan分享了今年的一些亮点,从特别比赛到明星滑板运动员Nyjah Huston和14岁的神童Sky Brown的出场. There are unique activities for fans, too, 比如与金牌合影,或者与运动员共进贵宾早餐. 她说:“bbin游戏官网还将为粉丝开设互动课程。. “他们将能够在迷你版的坡道或街道跑道上跳跃. It will be three days of nonstop action.”
Foodie Magnets in Ojai
下一位播客嘉宾将在文图拉县小镇提供几乎不间断的烹饪乐趣 Ojai. Restaurateur Zoe Nathan owns The Dutchess早餐和午餐的经典咖啡馆,晚餐变成了高档的缅甸餐厅, and which has gotten raves from the Michelin Guide. Nathan, who made her name on the Santa Monica restaurant scene, 告诉约翰逊为什么她和她的家人在2020年搬到欧康,以及他们是如何创造了公爵夫人(以空间带来的巨大烤箱命名).
“欧康是一个bbin游戏官网可以吃到社区内种植的食物和肉类的地方, and fish that was fished just miles away.” She created a team with two young chefs, “看着他们找到自己的声音可能是我工作中最有趣的部分。,” Nathan says. 她谈到了他们的一些顶级菜单,从火腿和奶酪羊角包到当地的 Bonito Coffee 早上吃炸鸡三明治,中午吃羊肉比亚尼饭,晚餐吃酥皮. 她说,在餐厅度过的夜晚是“一种体验”. “这里有很多香料和气味,bbin游戏官网在后面有一个疯狂的吧台. 周四,bbin游戏官网有烤肉之夜和当地乐队. It’s really fun.”
内森分享了一些她最喜欢的地方 Ojai, such as the burgers at Topa Topa Brewing Co., the “super seasonal” scoops at Sanders & Sons Gelato, and “a place called Chief’s Peak Bar. It's at this little motel, the Ojai Rancho Inn, in the middle of town. It’s the best.” Between meals, she says, go to Bart's Books. “这是一个完全露天的书店,所以如果下雨,它就会关闭. You could literally wander around it forever. 主要是用过的书,非常棒的诗歌书,和旧的东西.”
Beach Days and Big Views
The podcast wraps up with Lynne Andujar of 805 Living,一本重点介绍西方美食、美酒和娱乐的杂志 Los Angeles up to San Luis Obispo County. “bbin游戏官网试图在每一期杂志中加入一些花絮,让游客和当地人都有一个小小的‘啊哈’时刻,” she tells Johnson, “something that they may not know about, or something new to discover.”
她建议游客从探索文图拉市中心的“老派”开始. “这是一个很小的城市,但它有很多很棒的商店,有很多很棒的文化活动.她说,在海滩上玩完之后,你可以带 gondola rides, rent pedal boats shaped like swans or dragons, or explore Ventura Harbor Village那里有更多的餐馆和商店,以及一日游 Channel Islands National Park.
她还推荐了该地区一些隐藏的瑰宝,比如 Casa Agria Specialty Ales in neighboring Oxnard. “他们专门生产酸啤酒,真正突出了该地区的农产品——比如用对面田地里的草莓酿造的酸果啤酒.”
For more of that quintessential California, Andujar suggests some scenic walks in the area, like the three-mile hike to Sandstone Peak 在圣莫尼卡山脉,或悠闲地漫步 Ventura Botanical Gardens, perched just above Ventura. “这是一个美丽的地方,花园代表着世界各地不同的气候带. 但从这里也能看到加州的海岸线——真是太壮观了.”